An India-based study indicates that the average tobacco user (chewing or smoking) is 5 times more likely to experience an occupational injury than a non-user. A significant proportion of the workforce is temporarily employed (on contract), with less than 5 years of experience and within the age range of 20-30 years; all of these factors coupled with tobacco use predisposes them to a high cumulative risk.1
Workplaces can have a significant effect on people’s lifestyle choices. It therefore offers employers a unique opportunity to address employees’ health, and influence their decision to quit tobacco. Restrictions on tobacco use in workplaces encourage employees who consume tobacco to cut down or quit and help those who are already tobacco-free to stay that way.
LifeFirst’s programme enables the dissemination of tobacco treatment activities and offers a tobacco-free working environment to employees.
What does LifeFirst offer?
- Conducting a baseline survey at the worksite to gauge the prevalence of tobacco.
- Formation and orientation of the core team, which includes the top management, Human Resources, supervisors and Head of Departments.
- Oral screening and brief advice for the entire workforce.
- Awareness and sensitization about tobacco and its ill-effects to the entire workforce.
- Voluntary registration of workers for the service.
- Individual counselling to all tobacco users.
- Periodic follow-ups.
- Motivating workers through group and 'booster' sessions.
- Identification and training of Motivators or Anti-Tobacco Champions.
- Facilitating the implementation of the tobacco free policy.
- Data management and analysis.
- Continuous monitoring and evaluation and periodic reporting.
- Training support for staff.
LifeFirst offers fee for service comprehensive tobacco treatment programs at workplace spread over 8-10 months which includes the following:
What will be your contribution?
- Co-ordination and implementation of the service at the worksite.
- Formation of a core team to ensure smooth execution of the program.
- Formulation and implementation of a tobacco-free policy.
- Identification and training of Motivators or Anti-Tobacco Champions to be trained so as to sustain a tobacco-free workplace.
1Saha , A; Kumar, S; Vasudevan, DM. (2008). Factors of occupational injury: a survey in a chemical company. Industrial health. 46(2): 152-7